News Publications

We publish articles in printed and online media regularly, publish Legel news - online newsletter and organize interactive workshops for our clients.


Press releases

Glatzová & Co. advised Fond Českého Bydlení SICAV

Glatzová & Co. advised Fond Českého Bydlení SICAV on the acquisition of a residential building in Příbor, Ostravsko. With this transaction, the Fund has expanded its portfolio by 64 apartments with a…

Press releases

Donation to the town of Krnov

The recent floods have affected the Czech Republic and caused extensive damage to property and infrastructure. Many people have lost their homes and are in need of immediate assistance. Therefore,…

Press releases

Success Before the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

Our team successfully represented VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s., in a legal dispute against a former board member. The case was notable not only for the financial amount at stake but primarily for the legal…

Press releases

We represented VABU INVEST company

Glatzová & Co. represented the development company VABU INVEST s.r.o. in the acquisition of 100 % of shares in Synergy Capital a.s. Synergy Capital is the owner of land in Prague’s Modřany district,…