Authors From Glatzová & Co. Contributed to a New Commentary on the Bonds Act

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Libor Němec, a partner at our firm, and Andrea Pišvejcová, a managing associate, co-authored the first edition of the commentary on the Bonds Act, published by C. H. Beck. The commentary provides a comprehensive interpretation of the individual provisions of the law, drawing on the practice and experience of the authorship team in bond financing. The publication highlights contentious issues related to the issuance and use of bonds in business practice and offers potential legal solutions. The analysis also includes an overview of relevant case law from Czech courts and the decision-making practice of the Czech National Bank. As such, the commentary is intended for all legal professionals who encounter bonds in their practice. Libor and Andrea authored the complete commentary on the entirely new regulation of covered bonds. Additionally, Libor contributed to the sections dealing with terms and conditions of the bond issues, subordinated bonds, and exchangeable bonds.


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