About us Glatzová & Co. Introduction

With 31 years of stable, organic growth driving us, we’ve established ourselves as one of the top independent law firms in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and one of the oldest law firms in the Czech Republic. Our expertise has made us a leader in the legal services market, guaranteeing our clients the reliability and quality they expect.

In recognition of our high standards, we’ve received numerous awards from prestigious international and domestic rating agencies and have been repeatedly named the best law firm in the Czech Republic.

We’re not a legal factory; quantity is never our goal. Rather, we continually strive for quality in all our work and always look for sophisticated solutions specifically tailored to each client and situation. We also don’t produce reams of redundant documents merely copied and pasted from standard templates. Instead, everything we produce is efficiently focused on solving each client’s unique legal challenges.

We don’t measure our success by numbers, but rather by the satisfaction of our clients, who come to us to resolve their most complicated issues, handle their most demanding transactions and bring their most critical disputes to satisfying conclusions.

With our in-depth knowledge of the law, our sensitive approach to our clients’ business matters and our positive attitude to solving their legal challenges, our clients can always expect to get exactly what they need when they need it.

Our strong work ethic is based on respect not only for our clients, but also for everyone on our team. We uncompromisingly search for talented lawyers who are passionate about their work and want to grow professionally with us. We provide them with on-going education in the form of in-house training and secondments abroad. And because of our stringently ethical approach and unrelenting drive for quality, we’ve created an exceptional environment where our people are delighted to work.

Based on these values, we’ve accumulated a long list of satisfied clients with whom we’ve worked for 10 or, in some cases, even 20 years.

Our memberships

Glatzova & Co. is a member of the following chambers of commerce and business associations:

  • International Chamber of Commerce
  • American Chamber of Commerce
  • Czech-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Association for Real Estate Market Development
  • Czech Wind Energy Association
  • Czech Photovoltaic Industry Association
  • Czech Capital Market Association

Glatzova & Co.’s attorneys are individually members of the following chambers and associations:

  • Czech Bar Association
  • Slovak Bar Association
  • International Bar Association
  • Energy Law Group
  • Association for Development of Collective Bargaining and Employment Relations
  • EELA – European Employment Lawyers Association
41 lawyers
who work for dozens of our clients
31 years
on the Czech legal market



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