Glatzová & Co. Successfully Represents Slavia pojišťovna

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Glatzová & Co. successfully represents Slavia pojišťovna a.s. in a dispute against the Czech Republic regarding compensation for damages caused by the adoption of Act No. 274/2021 Coll., which amended the Act on the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic. This legislation resulted in an unlawful distortion of competition, the creation of a state monopoly in the insurance market, and a violation of European Union regulations. On February 19, 2025, the Prague Municipal Court, acting as the appellate court, issued an interim judgment in favor of our claim confirming its legal basis. The amount of the claim will now be reconsidered by the court of first instance. The Glatzová & Co. team is led by a partner Libor Němec, with the support of Petr Mundl, managing associate, and Jan Losenický, junior associate.


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Glatzová & Co. úspěšně zastupuje Slavia pojišťovnu

Advokátní kancelář Glatzová & Co. úspěšně zastupuje společnost Slavia pojišťovna a.s., ve sporu s Českou republikou o náhradu škody způsobené přijetím zákona č. 274/2021 Sb., kterým se mění zákon o…