Glatzová & Co. Provided Help to Šatník Praha Foundation

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Each of us may find ourselves in a situation where we need help and support from those around us. The people at Glatzová & Co. are ready to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed. We can't save the world, but we can do our bit to help others. The March 12 event was exactly in this spirit of the text from our website. Glatzová & Co tied first collaboration with the Šatník Praha Foundation, which focuses on helping single parents and seniors.


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Komplexní poradenství pro společnost J&T BANKA

Poskytli jsme komplexní právní poradenství společnostem J&T BANKA, a.s. jako manažeru, administrátoru a kotačnímu agentu a J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. jako aranžéru v souvislosti s přípravou…

Press releases

Comprehensive advisory services for J&T BANKA

We advised J&T BANKA, a.s. as the manager, administrator and listing agent and J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. as the arranger in connection with up to CZK 600 000 000 publicly offered senior…