Glatzová & Co. represented Reflex Capital in its investment in Digitoo startup

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Reflex Capital has decided to invest in Digitoo, a startup led by Karin Fuentes that focuses on digitizing accounting with the help of artificial intelligence. The purpose of the investment is to support international expansion of Digitoo. In particular, Glatzova & Co. helped Reflex Capital to set up the relationship between Reflex Capital and existing investors and to put a suitable form of ESOP plan in place. Glatzová & Co.'s legal team was led by partner Jan Veselý with support from associate David Kytler.


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Komplexní poradenství pro společnost J&T BANKA

Poskytli jsme komplexní právní poradenství společnostem J&T BANKA, a.s. jako manažeru, administrátoru a kotačnímu agentu a J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. jako aranžéru v souvislosti s přípravou…

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Comprehensive advisory services for J&T BANKA

We advised J&T BANKA, a.s. as the manager, administrator and listing agent and J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. as the arranger in connection with up to CZK 600 000 000 publicly offered senior…