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We are very honored that Glatzova & Co. has been recognized as "Recommended Firm" by Chambers Global 2021 for our expertise in: Mergers & Acquisition (Band 3) Banking & Finance (Band 4) Capital Markets (Band 3) Ranked Lawyers: Vladimíra Glatzová - Eminent Practitioner - M&A Jindřich Král - Band 4 - M&A Jiří Sixta - Band 3 - M&A


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Press releases

Komplexní poradenství pro společnost J&T BANKA

Poskytli jsme komplexní právní poradenství společnostem J&T BANKA, a.s. jako manažeru, administrátoru a kotačnímu agentu a J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. jako aranžéru v souvislosti s přípravou…

Press releases

Comprehensive advisory services for J&T BANKA

We advised J&T BANKA, a.s. as the manager, administrator and listing agent and J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. as the arranger in connection with up to CZK 600 000 000 publicly offered senior…