Dr. Martin Dančišin

Real estate is a highly specific industry that encompasses many areas of law and requires specialised legal know-how and experience. We are able to advise on real estate projects, no matter how complex, during every phrase of the project, from structuring, due diligence, acquiring and financing land or buildings, and obtaining public approval to complex construction phases and then leasing or selling the project. We know exactly the issues that are most problematic during each phase and how to safeguard our clients' interests in the most difficult situations. We are ready to be tough when negotiating with construction companies and diplomatic when resolving issues with owners of neighbouring properties or public authorities. Our advice is not theoretical; it is always pragmatic, based on our own extensive experience, and has a commercial focus. We do far more than only provide legal services; we are a partner who helps clients reach their goals every step of the way.
Our specialists are ready to assist you.
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