The Amendment to the Labour Code - What Is New?

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The amendment to the Labour Code will come into force this year, on October 1st. The most significant changes brought about by this amendment concern mainly remote working, agreement to complete a job, and agreement to perform work (“Agreements”). Below we summarise some specific changes that will affect almost all employers.

Remote working

Changes to the Agreements

Other important changes

The above is a list of only some of the essential changes, focusing on those that need to be reflected as soon as possible (conclude HO agreements, adjust the Agreements).

We would be happy to help you with the implementation of any necessary changes and provide advice. If you would like our assistance in connection with the above, or just a more detailed overview of all the changes that the amendment will bring, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the next month, our firm will also organise a client academy on the amendment to the Labour Code and its practical implications, which will be open for registration.


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