Glatzová & Co. opět oceněna v Chambers & Partners
S hrdostí oznamujeme, že naše advokátní kancelář byla opět oceněna v prestižním žebříčku Chambers Europe 2025.
IFLR1000 is the leading international legal market analysis specialising in the evaluation of financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. Each year, it evaluates nearly 5,000 law firms and more than 21,000 lawyers in 12 practice areas and 250 jurisdictions.
We are very proud that Glatzová & Co. defended all of its rankings from last year in all areas. Also, all of our partners have been re-rated this year.
Improving on the last ranking, colleagues from the Bratislava office were ranked in Tier 2 in M&A for the first time!
A new individual „Rising Star“ award was given to our Managing Associate Juraj Juhás.
We thank all our partners, counsel, associates and junior associates for their dedicated, professional and client-oriented work. We also thank all our clients who provided their references for the evaluation.
IFLR 1000 – 2023 CZ:
IFLR 1000 – 2023 SK:
S hrdostí oznamujeme, že naše advokátní kancelář byla opět oceněna v prestižním žebříčku Chambers Europe 2025.
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