All partners from Glatzová & Co. awarded in the most detailed analysis of IFLR1000 lawyers

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With great pleasure we received the results of the analysis of lawyers working in financial and corporate legal advice in more than 120 markets, conducted by the rating agency IFLR1000, which is also the most detailed assessment of the work in this expertise. Individual awards were received by all partners of our office, to whom we congratulate: Vladimíra Glatzová - Market leader in M&A, Martin Dančišin - Highly regarded in Restructuring and insolvency, Banking, Erik Kolan - Rising star partner in Banking, Jindřich Král - Highly regarded in Restructuring and insolvency, M&A, Libor Němec - Highly regarded in Banking, Capital markets: Debt, Veronika Pázmányová - Rising star in M&A, Jiří Sixta - Highly regarded in M&A, Jan Veselý - Highly regarded in M&A


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