Glatzová & Co. ranked highly by LEGAL500 once again!

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We are delighted to learn that our law firm has been ranked highly by #Legal500 once again! The credit goes to our fantastic team at Glatzová & Co, as well as our wonderful clientele who provided us with such positive feedback. Thank you !

This year, we were ranked in the following categories for Czech Republic:

Commercial, Corporate and M&A - Tier 1
Branking, Finance and Capital Markets - Tier 2
Employment - Tier 2
Dispute Resolution - Tier 3
Projects and Energy - Tier 3
Real Estate and Construction - Tier 4

For Slovakia:
Dispute Reolution - Tier 3
Employment - Tier 3
Commercial, Corporate and M&A - Tier 5

Moreover, our colleague Veronika Pazmanyova was ranked as the “Next Gerneration Partner” in the category Commercial, Corporate and M&A for Slovakia. Congratulations!


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