Glatzová & Co. advised DRFG Financial Management, a member of DRFG Group, in connection with program of publicly offered notes up to CZK 2 billion. The Czech National Bank approved the prospectus for this program on April 17, 2019. The decision came into force on April 19, 2019. Glatzova & Co.'s team was led by partner Libor Němec.
Glatzova & Co.'s team, led by Jan Vesely, provided ČSOB with legal advice on the creation of a joint venture with the Mall Group. The joint venture under the brand MALL Pay already operates the service of the same name, which currently offers a deferred payment when making online purchases and after entry of ČSOB and the planned integration of MallPay into the payment gateway ČSOB will gradually offer customers other forms of financing, insurance, investments and other related services. MallPay, which was created at the end of last year within the Mall group, is headed by CEO Adam Koles. ČSOB's participation in the joint venture has yet to be sanctioned by the antitrust authority. The team of Jan Veselý provided ČSOB with a comprehensive preparation of legal documentation defining both the creation of a joint venture itself and rules for its future functioning and management.
Libor Němec, partner naší kanceláře a Andrea Pišvejcová, vedoucí advokátka se autorsky podíleli na vzniku prvního vydání komentáře k zákonu o dluhopisech vydaném nakladatelstvím C. H. Beck.
Libor Němec, a partner at our firm, and Andrea Pišvejcová, a managing associate, co-authored the first edition of the commentary on the Bonds Act, published by C. H. Beck.
The commentary provides a…
Advokátní kancelář Glatzová & Co. převzala právní zastoupení Radima Paříka, mezinárodně uznávaného profesionálního vyjednavače a podnikatele.
Tým pod vedením vedoucího advokáta Mgr. et Bc. Juraje…