Glatzová & Co. advised ČSOB on entering the startup Ownest

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Partner Jan Veselý and lawyer Jan Peřinka represented Československá obchodní banka in its entry into the company Ownest. Ownest was founded by Martin Machala in 2022 with the aim of introducing a unique "rent-to-own" home financing model to the Czech Republic. Jan Veselý, Jan Peřinka, and the Glatzová & Co. team conducted legal due diligence, prepared transactional documentation, and negotiated terms of further cooperation among the founders, existing investors, and ČSOB. "Finding a workable intersection between the visions of several investors and founders is always a challenge. In this case, thanks to the constructive approach of all parties involved, we managed to achieve this successfully, and I believe that future cooperation and the entire Ownest project will continue in the same spirit," said Jan Peřinka.


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