Vladimíra Glatzová was ranked 19th in Forbes' list of the most influential women in the Czech Republ

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Vladimíra Glatzová was ranked 19th in Forbes' list of the most influential women in the Czech Republic, 1st with her own business and the only lawyer in top 50. Vladimíra Glatzová was once again ranked amongst the most influential women in the Czech Republic. This ranking is published every year by Forbes' magazine. From the 125 women ranked, Vladimíra Glatzová placed 19th. At the same time, she is the first women with her own company. Forbes states its criteria for creating the rankings as follows: “With owners and managers, we are looking at business results, turnover, earnings, new acquisitions, and comparisons to past years. We take into account the situation in the sector in which we operate, we use our knowledge of what's going on inside companies. We calculate the amount of money they have control of and direct influence, their shareholding in businesses, as well as the number of employees under their control, or how many customers or consumers can directly influence their decision. " This year, the law firm Glatzová & Co celebrated its 25th anniversary. Glatzová & Co has been at the forefront of the legal market during the entire time of its existence and the last two years has seen its turnover grow by an incredible 50%. In addition, the legal team has added 16 new colleagues. Glatzova & Co.’s Bratislava branch has been operating for 10 years and has gained a significant position during that time. According to independent rating agencies IFLR1000 and Chambers, it has become one of the top law firms in Slovakia.


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