Deal Monitor 5/2019

zpět na výpis

Glatzova & Co. provided comprehensive legal advice to J & T BANKA, a.s. as an emission manager and reinsurance agent and J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. in connection with the preparing the issuing of book-entry bonds with a total value of CZK 300.000.000 (with the possibility to increase the issue by 50%) of the issuer, Natland residential investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s. The bonds will be opened to trading on the Prague Stock Exchange, a.s. The CNB approved the prospectus for this issue on May 15, 2019, and the decision came into force on May 16, 2019. Glatzova & Co.’s legal team was led by Libor Němec, a partner of the firm.


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Comprehensive advisory services for J&T BANKA

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