Glatzová & Co. supports the International Music Festival Dvořákova Praha

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The International Music Festival Dvořákova Praha published its program for 2024. This year's festival will be marked (not only) by the celebration of the Year of Czech Music. The Year of Czech Music is a unique event dating back to 1924 when Bedřich Smetana’s 100th anniversary was celebrated. With only a few exceptions, the Year of Czech Music has been celebrated every decade ever since and has gradually expanded its dramaturgy to include the anniversaries of other Czech composers and musicians (Antonín Dvořák, Josef Suk, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů, etc.). This year, the festival will open by a gala concert Bamberger Symphoniker conducted by Jakub Hrůša together with a cellist Julian Steckel. Our law firm is very well aware of the social need to support cultural events of all kinds, especially in these difficult times. Therefore, we financially supported also this prestigious festival as we did in the previous years.


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