Glatzová & Co. Published in the ICLG Fintech 2024 Guide


In the 8th edition of the international guide published in collaboration with Slaughter and May, Libor Němec, a partner at our firm, along with senior associates Andrea Pišvejcová, Gabriela Prášková, and Erika Novotná, supported by junior associates Jan Losenický and Petr Šuchma, contributed a chapter on fintech and its legal regulation in the Czech Republic.

The chapter dedicated to the Czech Republic covers most legal areas affecting fintech entrepreneurs, from the regulation of financial services and crypto-assets, through AML/CFT, intellectual property law, to labor law and personal data protection.

The prestigious ICLG (The International Comparative Legal Guide) guides published by the Global Legal Group cover 58 legal areas and more than 80 jurisdictions.

You can view the above mentioned chapter here online or download the document below:


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